Hanging planters are gaining in popularity, and why wouldn’t they? Who wouldn’t love to have some lush, living green, and healthy plants in their home, on their front porch, or in their backyard? It’s a great way to add some charm, interesting landscape, color, and intrigue all while saving floor space. Here at Central Square Florist, we understand the emotional and health benefits of having beautiful flowers, green, and blooming plants all around us, so here are a few tips to create your own hanging garden.

What Exactly Are Hanging Planters?
Just as it sounds, hanging planters are plants in containers that hang from above. Whether a wire hook, rope, chains, or macramé, with the plant being suspended from the ceiling, it not only leads to eye upwards but creates a dramatic and picturesque scene of beauty where there wasn’t one before. Plus, it ‘s a great way for you to show your own creativity as you can choose the type of plant, the color of the flowers, as well as the type of hanger and container. A hanging planter is so much more than a hanging plant… it’s an expression of your creativity.

Best Types of Hanging Planters for Indoors
Figure out what some of your favorite plants are – they will most likely work just fine in a hanging planter. Decide if you prefer a trailing plant that will have vines that hang down or a more full and rounded plant with flowering blooms. There’s an endless variety to choose from. The only thing you really need to be concerned about is making sure plants that love the sun hang in the sun and those which prefer the shade, hang in the shade. If you’re really at a loss of where to start, here are some good indoor options: Boston Fern, Spider Plant, English Ivy, Pothos, Pansy, Impatiens, Silver Bells, Lantana, and Periwinkle.

Best Types of Hanging Planters for Outside
The best types of plants for hanging outside are those that can stand up to windy days, rain, cold weather, and hot weather. Examples are Lantana, Million Bells, Petunias, and Dwarf Lavender. As with indoor hanging plants, it’s important to water and fertilize the plants on a regular basis so they don’t dry out. Pruning and keeping a plant’s shape are always ways to keep them healthy.

Some DIY Hanging Planters Ideas
From old birdcages to plastic to coconut shells or ceramic pots, your hanging planter can be anything but boring. Not only is there a wide assortment of containers for you to choose from and decorate yourself, but also the hanger can be made from chains, rope, wire, or even macramé (yes, it’s making a comeback). Keep your options and your mind open to create a hanging planter that really represents your style.
For some ideas to get you started, check out our Pinterest board here.