Central Square Florist

Central Square Florist

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Beautiful Grandparents Day Flowers

"What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change, and they give me a million dollars’ worth of pleasure."  Gene Perret Grandparents Day was officially approved by Congress in 1978. The holiday was the brainchild of Marian McQuade - a mother and grandmother herself - and was to be celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day, which this year falls on September 10. Marian envisioned a day full of family history and sharing. She encouraged people to spend the day enjoying reunions with extended families, giving elders an opportunity to impart wisdom and share family stories. Through these activities, McQuade hoped that the younger generations would come to greater appreciate their history and legacy, as seen through the lives of their grandparents. The desire to maintain a connection between the generations was inspired by more and more American families abandoning the tradition of many generations under one roof.  Read More about Beautiful Grandparents Day Flowers »
Posted by Jackie Levine on August 24, 2017 | Last Updated: December 28, 2022 Uncategorized

Sapphire Blue Floral Arrangements

The sapphire is one of the world's most precious gemstones, and we know that they have been cherished as far back as the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans. It is one of two stones which is comprised of the mineral corundum ( the other is the ruby). Sapphires are found throughout the world, and the mineral makeup will of the mine will generally determine how deep the blue color will be. The brilliant sapphire is the birthstone of September, and is often the inspiration for exquisitely beautiful floral arrangements. "Sapphire blue" is not seen in many flowers, but when floral designs utilize this hue, the result is truly unique. If someone you love is celebrating a September birthday, be sure to give the experts at Central Square Florists a call. We would love to help you to select the perfect flowers. Read More about Sapphire Blue Floral Arrangements »
Posted by Jackie Levine on August 14, 2017 | Last Updated: December 28, 2022 Uncategorized

Just Because Day Flowers

Every morning, we face a day scheduled with appointments and full of responsibilities. There is always plenty to do, and not enough time to do it. If you ever find yourself daydreaming about just taking a break from all the rules and reasons for everything you do, then August 27 was created just for you! The fun and lighthearted "Just Because Day" affords us the chance to do things we always wanted to - and no practical explanation is necessary. Central Square Florist is happy to join in, and thought we might share some ideas to set your imagination in motion. We love the idea of having an entire day dedicated to doing things that make us happy - just because.  Read More about Just Because Day Flowers »
Posted by Jackie Levine on August 8, 2017 | Last Updated: December 28, 2022 Uncategorized

Romance Month Gifts & Flowers

When you think of flowers, passion, and romance, Valentine's Day may be your first thought, and in the middle of summer, who is thinking about that holiday?  What you may not know is that the entire month of August has been dedicated to celebrating romance as National Romance Month - which means you have 31 days to convey your feelings, to use your imagination, and to really impress your special someone with a lovely bouquet of romantic blooms. To give you some inspiration, the experts at Central Square Florist have put together a list of interesting facts about love and romance that just may set the mood. Let the Flowers Speak: The five most romantic flowers based on the language of flowers include roses, orchids, lilies, daisies, and sunflowers. The red rose is the universal flower of true love, romance, and passion, but it also symbolizes respect, fascination, and desire. For a more luxurious and refined message of love and romance, orchids are simply dazzling. Lilies are undeniably showstopping, alluring, bold, and magnificent. These blooms also represent longing, passion, romance, and love. The daisy is connected to innocence, young love, and true love, likely due to its association with "she loves me, she loves me not."Finally, the sunflower, which radiates positivity, happiness, and joy, is a sunny symbol of peace, love, loyalty, and adoration. Read More about Romance Month Gifts & Flowers »
Posted by Jackie Levine on August 1, 2017 | Last Updated: August 3, 2022 Uncategorized