If you don’t know about Pantone’s Color Of The Year, allow us here at Central Square Florist to clue you in. The color company picks a hue every year since 2000, after convening with a group of international experts at various locations around the world. Everyone weighs in during this color-choosing conference, and from there, a color is selected. It’s meant to embody the spirit of the times, the cultural zeitgeist, the tone of the past year. And it also attempts to predict what we’ll be feeling or thinking in the future. This year’s choice is Ultra Violet, a brilliant purple.
Purple is an intriguing, mysterious color, a bit mystical, but also majestic. Before you go painting a wall with this color, ease into it. Pantone’s purple expressed in flowers is where to start, and luckily, there are some gorgeous blooms that show off this unique color. Our Sweet Winter Wonderland features two of them.
Winter truly is the best time to debut a hue like this, as we enjoy those shades that are a little more serious and introspective. Here two purples are blended together beautifully in orchid and rose form and alongside calla lily. An arrangement like this treats purple as it should be treated, like a queen. It’s no wonder it is the color of nobility.
Since you’ll likely be seeing Ultra Violet and its brethren showing up in decor items for the next year and beyond, it’s time to get on board and embrace this beautiful color.