The sapphire is one of the world’s most precious gemstones, and we know that they have been cherished as far back as the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans. It is one of two stones which is comprised of the mineral corundum ( the other is the ruby). Sapphires are found throughout the world, and the mineral makeup will of the mine will generally determine how deep the blue color will be.
The brilliant sapphire is the birthstone of September, and is often the inspiration for exquisitely beautiful floral arrangements. “Sapphire blue” is not seen in many flowers, but when floral designs utilize this hue, the result is truly unique. If someone you love is celebrating a September birthday, be sure to give the experts at Central Square Florists a call. We would love to help you to select the perfect flowers.
To create sapphire blue floral bouquets, you can turn to several varieties of flowers. Blue orchids, seen above, are among some of the most striking examples of this beautiful hue; you may also select blue delphinium, forget-me-nots, blue iris or blue hydrangea. There are also some varieties of aster which come in purple and blue hues – and the asters make a particularly meaningful bouquet.
Why Asters? Asters are the official birth flower of September. They were likely chosen to represent the first month of fall because they bloom during this time of year, when many other flowers are beginning to fade. Asters are very similar to daisies, with ray flowers and a star-like appearance.
Whether you decide to celebrate your loved one’s birthday with asters, with a sapphire blue floral arrangement, or with a custom design of their favorite flowers – you can be sure that the artistry and expertise of the team at Central Square Florist will produce a gorgeous bouquet worthy of the occasion.