Central Square FloristĀ joins you in celebrating the American worker this coming Labor Day, which we suppose includes all of us! Historically, the first Monday in September has been intended as a kind of reward to those of us who have worked hard to accomplish our goals and provide for our families. It’s meant as a day of rest and relaxation, and indeed that’s how many of us celebrate. As the end of a long weekend that marks the end of summer, Labor Day is a great time to do a little self-care, starting with flowers.
And yes, white flowers. Now, we’ve all heard the old chestnut about how you shouldn’t wear white after Labor Day, but we’re not buying it. In fact, white and its palette are appropriate any time of year, whether it’s being worn or enjoyed as a decor choice. As ourĀ Blue and White Bowl demonstrates, white is just interesting enough to give the eye something beautiful to settle on, but its overall effect is serene and restful. Bring some white flowers like these into your home (here lilies and roses) and it’s an instant refresher. It’s also a palette that works in every room and with any style, and accompanied by some soft blue hydrangea, offers a comforting feel.
Do yourself a favor this year and keep it chill on Labor Day. Rest, relax and be at peace.